• Advice,  Helpful guides

    How to act when faced with delinquent tenants

    We know that the decision to rent your own home can be difficult. The possibility of finding delinquent tenants is one of the biggest reasons why many owners have doubts when it comes to renting their homes. However, from AB Apartment Barcelona, we want you to enjoy the peace of mind of renting your apartment through an agency and not face too many headaches. This is why we bring you all the necessary information on how to proceed and what to do in case of delinquent tenants.   How to avoid bad tenants   Although running into delinquent tenants is not the most common, there are always exceptional situations. The…

  • Tips

    Tips to Reduce and Prevent Humidity at Home

    Having humidity is one of the most frequent problems in Spanish homes, many times due to the humid climate that exists during the winter and autumn seasons. It can also be due to poor maintenance of thermal equipment or waterproofing problems in the property. In addition, it must be taken into account that humidity can be the beginning of diseases that are harmful to human health, such as skin problems, allergies and breathing difficulties… If you have a flat to rent, you don’t want your guests to suffer the consequences of this problem, so here are our recommendations to reduce and prevent humidity!   First signs of humidity Attention must…

  • Advice,  Rental properties

    How much will I be able to raise the rent in 2023? How the limit on the increase in lease affects you

    Are you already thinking about how much you can increase the price of your apartment this coming year? Wait! We know that in these times where the market price is increasing, you may also consider raising the rent of the tenants. But first, it is important to be well informed about the new regulations and whether the price you want to establish is legal. In this article we will give you all the information about it.   How much can the rental price be raised? During this last year, the consumer price index has risen as a consequence of the economic crisis since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.…

  • Rental properties

    September: The best time to rent out your apartment in Barcelona

    In previous articles, we have already explained the aspects to consider before renting out your apartment. Now, we will focus on telling you why September is the best time to rent your property in Barcelona. As a property owner, you should know that choosing the ideal time to put an apartment for rent is much more important than you think. If you focus on renting your property at the right time, you will be able to find the tenant that suits you best while also maximizing your income and profitability.   Why is September the best time to list your rental in Barcelona? September is known to be a month…

  • cédula habitabilidad barcelona
    Helpful guides,  Rental properties,  Sell

    Complete guide on the certificate of occupancy in Barcelona

    If you own a flat for rent or are considering selling your apartment , you must be familiar with all the necessary documentation. One of the certificates that is required is the certificate of occupancy, essential for any real estate management. Next, we will tell you what it is, how it can be requested, what types exist, and we will solve all the doubts you may have about the certificate of occupancy!   What is the certificate of occupancy? The certificate of occupancy is an administrative document that certifies that a home meets the necessary conditions of health and solidity to be habitable and, therefore, have a residential use. This…

  • encontrar al inquilino perfecto
    Rental properties,  Tips

    How to find the perfect tenant for my apartment

    If you have made the decision to rent out your apartment, you may worry about the possibility that your future arrivals will not pay for their stay or will not use your apartment with respect. For this reason, we are aware of the importance of finding the perfect tenant. At AB Apartment Barcelona we want this search to be as easy and comfortable as possible for you, that’s why we have put together the following tips to find the perfect tenant for your apartment for rent.   Define the person you are looking for to rent your apartment The first step in finding the perfect tenant is to ask yourself,…

  • smart home vivienda en alquiler
    Rental properties,  Tips

    Smart Home: Include home automation in your rental home

    Today, renting a property goes far beyond simply offering a place to stay. With an increasingly technological society, the term smart has also been established in the real estate rental sector. A Smart Home is an intelligent home that has technologies and devices connected to the Internet that allow remote control of the house. Converting your rental home into a smart home has numerous advantages. For this reason, stay until the end of this article to learn how to implement smart home technologies in your rental .